Enable SimplePhoto's new abandoned cart email marketing feature in 5 clicks!
On average, 5% of the automated abandoned cart emails SimplePhoto sends are resulting in orders and customers are clicking on 11% of these emails. Visit our help center to find out how to quickly enable abandoned cart email marketing messages for your customers.
SimplePhoto customers are also seeing great results with automated prepay picture day reminder text messages and emails. Learn how to setup automated prepay picture day reminders using our Help Center or contact our support team today to see how to get started!
Green Screen Digital Downloads
SimplePhoto is now able to deliver instant digital downloads with the customer's selected background applied to knocked out images. If you're interested in using this feature, please visit our help center.
Digital Downloads in Packages and Composites
SimplePhoto now offers new ways to sell Digital Download products! All of these expanded digital download features are available at no additional cost to all SimplePhoto members and each digital download can be delivered direct to customers’ smartphones via text in addition to email. See our help center for documentation on how to set up these expanded digital download products.
Expanded digital download products include:
Digital Download Threshold Products: Offer free or discounted digital downloads when customers reach a set cart total.
Digital Download products can now be included in print packages.
Digital Download products can be offered as package add-on products.
Setup Digital Download packages with 1, 2, 3, or more pose selections.
Offer a multi-pose composite product to provide a simple way for customers to order a set of digital images.
Do you have any questions about our new features or would you like assistance in using these new features to increase your sales? Please contact our support team today.