Control Panel and Marketing System Updates

"Marketing Settings and Reports" page added

Links have been removed from the "Marketing" pane on the Dashboard and a single "Marketing Settings and Reports" link is now in place to take photographers to the new Marketing Settings and Reports screen. A message has been added to direct photographers to click on the new "Marketing" tab in the top navigation bar.

The email and text message settings and reports have been separated in the Marketing tab. Previously these were mixed together.

The "Schedule Emails" link has now been changed to "Send Emails (new email system)". The old "Send Emails" link has been changed to "Send Emails (older email system)".

Collect mobile phone in Guestbook

A "Collect mobile phone in Guestbook" field has been added to the "Text Message Notification Settings" screen.

Gallery & Prepay Settings link on dashboard has been reworded

The "Gallery & Event Settings" link on the Dashboard has been changed to "Gallery & Prepay Settings".

Import mobile phone numbers into a prepay event or gallery for triggered messaging

When photographers click on the "Manage SMS Notifications" button on a gallery or prepay event, they will now see a field to paste mobile phone numbers separated by a comma or line break.

Unused email templates have been removed for most customers

If a SimplePhoto account does not have any custom "General Purpose Templates" or "Group Notification Templates", those sections will not appear in the Email Templates screen.

New SimplePhoto logo!

The new logo has been released in most accounts. The green link color has also been updated.