New Streamlined Support Options

As the needs of our photographers grow, we continue to implement more efficient ways of handling your support requests to guarantee you receive the utmost customer service from our support team.

We know your time is valuable, so Simplephoto Support will be shifting to a modified phone support structure. For the quickest response, you can now schedule a phone or Zoom meeting with a customer success representative using our new Submit a Support Request link found in the Help tab of your Simplephoto Dashboard. Requests submitted in this manner will be seen and responded to first by our support team.

Throughout your Simplephoto Photographer Control Panel, you will now see a handy dialogue icon in the bottom right corner that will take you directly to relevant documentation in our help center. You can also send an email straight to our team if you have any additional questions. We will continue to make every effort to respond to all inquiries within one business day.


We appreciate your patience as we implement these new support options. Please visit our support procedures help file for more information. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

On-Demand Email with Image Gallery Links

Accessing multiple galleries and ordering for siblings just got easier!
Does your studio receive calls because a parent forgot their password or they're unable to locate image gallery links for siblings? You now have the option to allow customers to quickly and securely request automated email access to all of their galleries on-demand. Customers can visit a new link unique to your Simplephoto account, enter their email address, and receive a single email that will contain a link to all image galleries associated to their email address. When customers access their image galleries via this email, they can easily navigate between galleries to make ordering from multiple galleries easier. Visit our help center to learn more about this feature.

School Order Report Links

Do you sell prepay and pay commissions to schools? Our new School Order Report link feature may help! Simplephoto studios can now send a special link and password to a school’s administrator or staff member that will allow them to view online prepay orders. Prepay orders made in the last year are shown for each folder’s unique link and password. Visit our help center to learn how to enable and utilize School Order Report links in your account today.

Free Shipping Discounts

Incentivize your customers to purchase more online by setting up a free shipping promotion using our new Free Shipping Discount feature. Free Shipping Discounts cause any available shipping option associated with a price list to be free and can be used simultaneously with regular discounts. Just like regular discounts, Free Shipping Discounts can require a minimum sales total, can have an expiration date or last indefinitely, and can require a code or be applied automatically. To learn more about setting up a Free Shipping Discount in your account, visit our help center.

Folder-level Custom Order Receipt Page Messages

If you would like to include a unique receipt message per school/league/event, you can now add a custom order receipt message at the folder-level which will override any global gallery receipt page message and prepay event receipt page message. Custom receipt page messages appear on the receipt page screen after a customer places an order and also in the email order receipt sent to the customer. Please visit our help center for more information about setting up custom receipt page messages in your account.

Digital Download Email Update

When a customer places an order for a digital download, the digital download email sent to the customer by Simplephoto now contains the studio's company name in the email subject. Additionally, the email body is now more compact and contains a single link to the mobile-friendly digital download gallery rather than separate links for each individual image. When a customer visits this link, they will have the option to download each image individually, download a zip file of all images, download a Print Release pdf, and purchase more prints/products. Photographers still have the option to customize parts of the email body as well as the print release pdf. Please visit our help center for more information regarding Simplephoto's digital download feature.

Self-fulfilled Orders Alert & Report

The Self-fulfilled Product Alert feature allows photographers to receive a special notification alert when a specific product is ordered. An email will be sent to a specific self-fulfillment notification email address when an order is placed containing a product set as a "Self-fulfilled Product". This feature is useful for notifying you to fulfill products your lab may not offer or for fulfilling retouched or customized digital downloads. Once orders are placed, you can then run a report to manage any orders containing self-fulfilled products. Visit our help center to learn how to set this feature up in your Simplephoto account.

Custom Digital Delivery

Simplephoto now offers an efficient and simple solution for instantly delivering digital products to your customers. Upload a stylized templated product, a professionally retouched image, or any other digital file instantly via text message and email! After finalizing work in Photoshop or your tool of choice, upload and send the digital download via text and email. Visit our help center to learn more!

Examples of digital products that can be instantly delivered include:

  • Retouched images.

  • Personalized images with name and year.

  • Images with background and foreground overlays.

  • Digital montage images for seniors, sports, dance, and other session types.

  • Holiday styled digital images.

  • Images with stickers or school/sport logo.

  • Other digital products: magazine covers, memory mates, collages, cards/invitations, coloring pages to print from home.

Import & Manage Contacts

Importing and managing contacts just got easier! Now, simply navigate to the Marketing page at the top of your dashboard. Click Import Contacts to upload a list of email addresses and mobile numbers associated to an existing password. Click Manage Contacts to view a list of imported email addresses and mobile numbers. Visit our help center to learn more.

Percentage-based Fee Shipping Option

You can now adjust a shipping option to charge an additional percentage based on the total dollar amount in the cart. The total shippable cart total will be multiplied by this percentage and the fee will be added to the order total. This is typically used to add a "processing fee" or "convenience fee". Please visit our help center to learn how to set up shipping options in your SimplePhoto account.

Archive Price Lists

Now’s the perfect time for some spring cleaning! Use Simplephoto’s NEW Archive Price Lists feature to hide old or unused price lists. This will make finding the appropriate price list much easier when the season is in full swing. Price Lists that are archived aren’t deleted and can be accessed or unarchived at any time, allowing you to keep a back-up or record of previous price list versions.