Tips to Boost Your Online Presence

By Arizona Ruggles

Many business owners have found themselves with extra time lately and are looking into ways to promote their business. One of the best ways to do this is to expand and update your company's social media accounts, which will allow you to provide up to date information and broaden your customer reach during a time where many people are online. 

Optimize and promote social media accounts

Include a link to social media accounts on your website and all emails to subscribers to help get the word out about your business and grow your presence online. 

Optimize your social media profiles by creating an easy to remember username, a recognizable logo, and adding a link to your company website you’ll greatly increase your digital presence.

Share industry-adjacent content and address your market. The key here is to constantly share information that interests your followers. This gives you the opportunity to talk about other topics you’re familiar with that could be helpful to your followers, such as marketing advice, how to utilize particular shooting software or tips about how to dress for picture day. 

Create a schedule and post often

During peak seasons, many businesses find their social media accounts take a major dive. To avoid this, create a schedule for your posts so the frequency stays consistent and you avoid a lull in activity.

Data collected from social media algorithms indicate that the best day to post is typically Wednesdays between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. The weekends are often the worst time to post as social media sites get bogged down and your content could likely get lost. 

Don’t over-post! While maintaining consistency is important, it is also important not to over-post. You want to make sure you’re focusing on high-quality, relevant content. Posting an average of 2-3 times a week is a fair amount to keep your followers engaged while avoiding overwhelming them with content. 

Engage and interact with your followers

Have eye-catching visuals. It is important when posting to avoid blurry images or ones that don’t catch the eye. Think of walking through a museum, would your image capture someone’s attention? It is also a good idea to have varying images across your social media platforms. For example, the image used for a Facebook post should be different than the image used for Instagram.

Respond to messages, comments, and tags from followers. Doing this will help you engage with your audience and show others you actively monitor your social media. 

Format and choose the proper network

Investigate Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. and choose what you feel is best for your company. Instagram is a preferred platform for photographers, as well as Facebook. 

Use hashtags where appropriate. Make them applicable to your business and use ones that include your business name and/or slogan.

Make sure the content you post is easily shareable. Provide a clear link to articles or to your company website.

Monitor your stats to see what posts/visuals were popular and adjust for future posts. Most social media platforms have a built-in algorithm that will show you details about your posts. This includes clicks and public reach so you can see what was most successful. 

Balance promotional and informative content 

Businesses should strive to meet the 80/20 balance when it comes to content. This means 80% informative content not directly related to selling your product and 20% promotional content that focuses more on advertising your business. 

Use a consistent voice that’s in line with your brand and image. You’ll want to make sure your posts are consistent across the board. However, having a more professional approach on LinkedIn versus Instagram is okay. Just make sure your content sounds like it’s coming from the same business.

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