Photographers can now integrate their SimplePhoto storefront with Google Analytics to view usage statistics for your entire storefront, specific folders, and specific galleries. See our help file for instructions on setting up Google Analytics:
Updated integration
SimplePhoto now supports the latest integration method "Accept.js". To enable the new integration method, follow these instructions to obtain the Client Key and add the Client Key to your SimplePhoto account.
New Prepay Data export type
When downloading order data for a Prepay event, there is a new Export Type option labeled "Product Codes in one column, text entry fields in separate columns". This download format is helpful for studios who want text entry fields (commonly First Name, Last Name, Grade, etc) in their own columns and package selections in a single column.
Standalone Products
There is now a "Standalone" checkbox for Lab Products. This setting is checked by default. If this setting is unchecked, customers will not be able to checkout unless other products are added to the cart. Uncheck the "Standalone" checkbox on products such as a background selection and retouching products to require another price list product to be purchased.
Import Prepay Events using CSV
Photographer can now upload a CSV file to easily and quickly create many prepay events. See our Prepay Events CSV Import help file for instructions.
Zoom feature added to yearbook and package pose image selector
Now customers can zoom in to view a larger image when selecting an image as a yearbook pose or as part of a multi-pose package.
Tiered pricing for Composite Products
Tiered pricing can now be enabled for Composite Products. When adding or editing a composite product, click the "Switch to Tiered Pricing" link near the price field to setup tiered pricing.
"No Pose" Package Products
Package products can now be added with a "No Pose" option. This feature can be helpful when products like specialty packages or frames are included as part of a multi-pose package. When adding a package product, choose the type "No Pose". 'No pose' products can be present in fixed and variable packages.
New "Allow Other Galleries in Package Builder" setting
If the "Allow Other Galleries in Package Builder" setting is enabled in the Price List Settings screen, customers will have the ability to build multi-pose packages from multiple galleries inside SimplePhoto's Package Builder interface. Customers will see the "Add Images From Other Galleries" button inside Package Builder.
Square payment processing
SimplePhoto photographers can now accept payments using Square! To authorize SimplePhoto to use your Square account for payment processing, click on the "How You Collect" link in your SimplePhoto Photographer Control Panel.
Green screen improvements
When Green Screen Background options are present in a SimplePhoto 2.0 price list, customers are able to simultaneously preview their green screen images on different background and choose the background choice that will be added to their shopping cart.
Unlike SimplePhoto's classic Green Screen Preview Module, labs (and phototographers with the ability to edit Lab Products) are able to upload background images themselves.
View instructions for setting up Green Screen Background options in your price list.
Photographer timezone
Photographers can now choose a Timezone in the Photographer Information setting screen. This timezone setting determines the timezone used when calculating gallery and discount expiration. Also the time shown on customer receipts is based on the photographer's timezone setting.